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How to Intensify Your Workout

Listen to some beats

Upbeat music is a great way to get your mind engaged with your exercise and put you in a great mood. On average, your workout will be 15% more intense when listening to music. A recent study has shown that songs with a tempo of 120-140 beats per minute are the most effective for getting you moving! Set yourself up a playlist full of bangers and get those headphones on.

Bring a friend

Did you know that training with a friend can make your workout session up to 200% more intense and effective? Not only that, a friend can help increase the duration of your workout, save you some money by travelling to the gym together and even motivate you with a little friendly competition. If you’re after a new gym buddy, but aren’t sure who to ask, check out our handy guide to finding the perfect exercise partner!  

Harder goals for increased reward

Increasing your goals but offering yourself a nicer reward is a great way to motivate you to put a little extra in to your workout. You could set yourself a weight related goal, kilometer related goal, muscle mass goal, it doesn’t matter! As long as you promise yourself a reward worth working towards (treat yourself to those new shoes!). For a corporate solution, an employee rewards app can help businesses track and celebrate employee wellness achievements, providing an engaging way to encourage healthier habits across the workplace.

Use some equipment                                                                       

We’re not talking a full on home gym with a treadmill and rowing machine. A couple of free weights, dumbbells and resistance bands are a great way to intensify your workout! Although they are not necessary, they are a great way to help you get to your goal quicker. There’s so many exercises you can try to workout every part of your body. Get online and find a video to help you utilise your equipment to the max!

Work harder, not smarter- Mix up your routine

Doing the same workout every day is the best way to not reach your fitness goals. You muscles development will slow down and drop off if you use the same exercises, not to mention the increased risk of injury due to the over-use of muscles. Switching up your routine is a great way to keep your muscles engaged and get you on the right track for your goals!