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10 New Year Challenge Ideas for Your Office

A new year dawns, brimming with potential. It's time to harness that energy and transform your workplace. A yearly wellness kickoff can create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and motivation, setting the tone for a year of improved health and productivity.

New Year challenge ideas are great ways to invigorate your workplace and inspire personal growth among employees. But hold up, because these aren't your run-of-the-mill team-building exercises.

They're specifically designed to invigorate your team and propel your business forward. Whether you're working remotely or in-office, these employee engagement challenges adapt to your needs. Your year should have a New Year fitness challenge idea (beyond just an outdated step challenge) that encourages employees to establish and maintain healthy exercise habits!

Let’s delve into our ten carefully curated New Year challenge ideas that have been proven to enhance workplace culture and employee engagement.

10 New Year Challenge Ideas for Your Office

The versatility of New Year's challenge ideas allows for implementation across various work environments, including remote, hybrid, and traditional office settings.

Whether your team is working remotely, in a hybrid model, or all together in one space, these challenges can be adapted to suit your needs.

1. "New Year, New You" Fitness Challenge

Design your New Year fit challenge ideas to include daily exercise targets and regular progress assessments, promoting consistent engagement and accountability.

For instance, you could set a target of 30 minutes of exercise per day, with participants logging their activities. Whatever of the many resolution fitness plans you choose from, you’ll want a way to easily track and maintain motivation throughout the year with well-being solutions (like GoJoe!)

Plus, you won’t want to forget about rewards! Incentives can be a great motivator. Consider offering prizes for the most consistent participants or those who show the most improvement. This could be anything from a healthy lunch voucher to an extra day off. We have our own GoJoe Awards in our challenges too, which hero the Joes at all levels from the most active to the most improved.

Improved physical health leads to increased energy levels, better focus, and reduced sick days. It's a win-win for everyone! It could also save you money. Win-win-win?

2. "Desk-ercise" Daily Routine Challenge

Let's face it – many of us spend way too much time sitting at our desks.

The "Desk-ercise" challenge focuses on incorporating simple exercises that can be done right at your workstation.

So, what exactly are desk exercises? They're small movements or stretches that can be performed while seated or standing near your desk. For example:

  • Chair squats
  • Desk push-ups
  • Seated leg raises

To integrate these exercises into daily work routines, consider setting reminders every hour for a quick 2-minute desk-ercise break. You could even create a fun "Desk-ercise of the Day" calendar to keep things interesting.

The benefits? Improved circulation, reduced muscle tension, and a quick energy boost. Plus, these short breaks can actually enhance productivity and overall well-being.

Who knew sitting could be so active?

3. "Mindfulness Minutes" Challenge

Taking a moment to breathe can make all the difference. That's where the "Mindfulness Minutes" challenge comes in. But first, what exactly is mindfulness? It's the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current moment, without judgment.

For this challenge, suggest different mindfulness activities like short guided meditations, breathing exercises, or even a quick body scan. We have a variety of guided sessions available on GoJoe for you or your team to choose from!

The payoff? Reduced stress levels, improved focus, and enhanced overall well-being. It's amazing what a few mindful minutes can do for your team's productivity and mental health.

4. "Gratitude Grows" Challenge

There are numerous ways to express gratitude. Encourage team members to keep a gratitude journal, jotting down three things they're thankful for each day. Or, kick off meetings with a quick gratitude-sharing session. You could even create a virtual or physical "Gratitude Wall" where employees can post notes of appreciation for their colleagues (or a virtual one!).

Emphasise the importance of 30-day habit formation techniques to help employees develop lasting positive behaviors and achieve their goals.

Make gratitude a daily habit, and watch as it spreads throughout your (remote) office. Before you know it, you'll have created a culture of appreciation where team members genuinely value and support one another.

The benefits are immense – improved team morale, increased job satisfaction, and a more positive work environment overall leading to better staff engagement.

A little thankfulness goes a long way!

5. Nutrition Challenges

Let's talk about fueling our bodies and minds. Nutrition plays a crucial role in employee wellness, affecting everything from energy levels to cognitive function.

Introducing nutrition challenges will both promote healthier eating habits and encourage your team to invest in their overall well-being and productivity.

Incorporating New Year's challenges ideas focused on nutrition can effectively educate and motivate employees to adopt healthier eating habits.

But here's the catch – they need to be fun and engaging to be effective.

Nutrition challenges like January detox programmes can include things like educational cooking demonstrations, nutritious meal competitions, and partnerships with local health food stores to support employees in their wellness journey.

The beauty of nutrition challenges is their potential for long-term impact. By introducing employees to new, healthier food choices and cooking methods, you're paving the way for lasting lifestyle changes.

6. "Meatless Mondays" Challenge

This global movement encourages people to skip meat one day a week, and it's a great way to introduce more plant-based options into your office routine.

Implementing this challenge can be as simple as offering vegetarian-only options in the office cafeteria on Mondays, or encouraging employees to bring in their favorite meat-free dishes for a potluck lunch.

For remote teams, consider sharing vegetarian recipes or hosting virtual cooking classes.

The health benefits of reducing meat consumption are well-documented – from lower risk of heart disease to improved digestion. Plus, it's a great way to discover new, delicious foods!

7. "Hydration Station" Challenge

Water, water everywhere – and it's time to make sure your team is drinking enough of it!

The "Hydration Station" challenge is all about encouraging proper hydration throughout the workday. It might sound simple, but staying well-hydrated can have a massive impact on health and productivity.

To make this challenge engaging, consider providing each employee with a reusable water bottle (branded with your company logo for extra points!). Set up hydration stations around the office with infused water options for a tasty twist.

For remote workers, you could send hydration care packages with water bottles and flavor infusers.

Tracking is key to success. Encourage the use of hydration apps or create a fun office-wide tracking system. Maybe even introduce a little friendly competition – who can consistently hit their daily water goals?

8. "Skill Builder" Challenge

The "Skill Builder" challenge is all about fostering a culture of growth and development within your organisation.

Start by identifying skills that would be valuable for your team. These could range from technical skills like coding or data analysis to soft skills like public speaking or time management.

Then, implement goal-setting workshops to help employees establish clear, achievable objectives and create effective strategies for tracking their progress.

For instance, participants could commit to spending 30 minutes each day on skill development. Use platforms like LinkedIn Learning or Coursera to provide access to a wide range of courses.

The benefits? Improved job performance, increased employee satisfaction, and a more skilled, versatile workforce. Plus, it shows your team that you're invested in their personal and professional growth.

9. "Book Club Bonanza" Challenge

Who's ready for a literary adventure? The "Book Club Bonanza" challenge is a fantastic way to promote learning, spark discussions, and build connections among team members.

Setting up an office book club is simpler than you might think. Gauge interest and decide on a meeting frequency (monthly often works well). When it comes to book selection, aim for a mix of business-related books and general interest titles. You could even rotate the selection responsibility among members to ensure diverse choices.

To keep discussions lively and engaging, prepare a list of thought-provoking questions beforehand. Encourage everyone to share their perspectives and how they might apply the book's insights to their work or personal life.

10. "Cross-Department Collaboration" Challenge

Structure this challenge around collaborative projects or activities that require input from multiple departments. This could be anything from a company-wide innovation contest to a cross-functional problem-solving task force.

Of course, cross-department collaboration isn't always smooth sailing. Common barriers can include differing priorities, communication styles, or even just a lack of familiarity with other teams' work.

Address this head-on by providing clear objectives, facilitating open communication, and perhaps even offering some team-building activities to help break the ice.

The payoff? Often, innovative solutions that wouldn't have emerged otherwise. It's amazing what can happen when we step out of our usual circles and collaborate!

Implement New Year Challenge Ideas & More with GoJoe!

From easy challenge setup to progress tracking and leaderboards, GoJoe has everything you need to run successful office and virtual team challenges. Plus, our user-friendly interface and app means everyone on your team can participate with ease.

One of the best things about GoJoe is how it helps maintain engagement throughout the challenge. With features like daily reminders, achievement badges, and social sharing options, we’ll help you keep participants motivated and connected! Request a demo to see how GoJoe can help your team thrive!