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5 Ways to get Midweek Motivation

Participate with a team

Here at GoJoe, we believe that teamwork really encourages you to thrive! Exercising on your own can be disheartening sometimes, and we know it can be so easy to give up on yourself. Try jumping on a team challenge and contribute to something bigger (sometimes a little bit of friendly competition doesn’t hurt either!). You can exercise on your own, but you’re alone.

Have fun with it

Running the same routes and cycling the same roads can get so... predictable. After a period of time, you just don’t feel stimulated by your exercise anymore, it’s become so boring. If you find yourself feeling like this, it’s definitely a sign to start switching things up. Get yourself involved in new sports and try new exercises. Get yourself online to find some inspiration.

Set yourself goals

If you can’t muster up enough motivation to get yourself out for kilometres of walking, running, cycling or swimming, try and do something small! Set a goal to do a minimum amount everyday (even if it’s just a step goal). There are so many ways to increase your daily activity just at home, whether it be climbing the stairs, walk on the spot whilst doing your dishes, or even playing around with your pets! Anything is better than nothing!

Reward yourself

Once you’ve hit your target or beaten your personal record, do something to reward yourself, you deserve it after all! These rewards don’t have to be spectacular, it could be your favourite tea, a nice hot bubble bath, or even a good relax with your favourite book. If you run a marathon, maybe reward yourself with a new pair of trainers! Our GoJoe challenges are weighted, so if you participate in our challenges, you can earn points and we’ll reward you too! Pairing this with an employee rewards platform can help you scale these benefits, allowing workplaces to recognize and reward achievements on a larger scale while boosting engagement.

Help others

GoJoe allows fundraising to be integrated into challenges, meaning you can raise money or awareness with every kilometre you run, walk, cycle or swim! Moving for a purpose is a brilliant way to encourage you to exercise! Plus, nothing is more rewarding than helping other whilst also helping yourself!