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30 Day Challenge Employees Can Do From Anywhere

Thirty days: that's all it takes to spark a transformation! Employee engagement to the happiness and longevity of your employees (we’ve seen it first-hand). But, in order for it to be effective for your team, you’ll need a well-designed 30 day challenge that will make your team want to keep coming back.

There are many different types of 30 day challenges that can be catered to different employee development programs – long beyond basic step trackers and generic physical fitness trackers.

Whether your team is scattered across the globe or working side by side, these challenges unite and inspire!

The Power of Habit-Formation in a 30-Day Challenge

Before we jump into specific challenges, let's talk about why 30-day challenges are so effective. It all comes down to the science of habit formation. Our brains are wired to create habits – it's how we conserve mental energy for more complex tasks. When we repeat an action consistently, our brains create neural pathways that make that action easier and more automatic over time.

This comes down to the 21/90 rule: it takes about 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to make it a lifestyle. While this isn't a hard and fast rule (habit formation can vary from person to person), it gives us a good framework to work with.

A 30 day challenge for your team provides enough time to start forming a habit, making it more likely to stick beyond the challenge period.

Physical Fitness Challenges

Daily Step Counts

A 30-day workout challenge incorporating daily walks, similar to step challenges, is one of the simplest and most accessible forms of exercise for employees of all fitness levels.

If you’re just getting started in employee engagement, this might be a great way to start — knowing that GoJoe can do so much more!

For beginners, you can aim for 5,000 steps a day and gradually increase. Intermediate walkers might shoot for 7,500-10,000 steps, while advanced fitness enthusiasts could target 12,000-15,000 steps or more. The great part about GoJoe is that you can make challenges accessible to everyone in your organization — from people who have been hiking their entire lives to those who are in wheelchairs and everything in between.

GoJoe has many elements of habit tracking apps while also having comprehensive data and reporting so your employees can see their progress and you can see your overall team’s progress.

Plank Progression

A 30 day exercise challenge focusing on planks can help employees build core strength, which is essential for good posture, reducing back pain, and improving overall fitness.

These types of month-long fitness programs can help employees build impressive core strength and establish lasting exercise habits through progressive exercise routines, where day 1 is the easiest and it slowly gets more and more challenging from there.

Bodyweight Exercises

A 30 day challenge workout focusing on bodyweight exercises is incredibly convenient, requiring no equipment and suitable for employees to perform anywhere, making it an excellent addition for integrating easy wellbeing solutions into your employees’ work life.

It’s perfect for a 30 day challenge as they can be done anywhere, anytime!

Some bodyweight exercise examples suitable for a 30-day challenge:

  • Push-ups
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers
  • Jumping jacks
  • Tricep dips (using a chair or couch)

These mini-daily workout plans should start with a number of repetitions that feels challenging but doable for each employee, gradually increasing over the course of the 30-day program. For example, you might start with 5 push-ups on day 1 and aim for 30 by day 30.

Nutrition Challenges

While workout challenges are an easy way to get started in employee engagement, it’s certainly not the only way. Especially since there are many different employees with many different abilities, some of which aren’t able to do physical fitness like step tracking.

Hydration Challenge

Proper hydration is crucial for health and cognitive function. Even mild dehydration can affect mood, energy levels, and mental performance.

A general guideline is to aim for 8 glasses (64 ounces) of water per day, but individual needs may vary based on factors like activity level, climate, and body size.

Meal Prep Challenge

Implementing 30-day meal prep ideas can be a game-changer for improving employee nutrition and time management skills. By preparing meals in advance, you're more likely to eat healthier and avoid the temptation of unhealthy convenience foods.

Our annual platform gives organizations dozens of options for meal planning guidance, tips for eating healthy, and so much more!

For those new to creating Challenges, you can start by challenging each employee to prep just one meal a day, like a lunch for the entire workweek. As you get more comfortable, you can expand to more meals.

Productivity Challenges

Early Rise Challenge

The early bird catches the worm, as they say! Waking up early can provide quiet, uninterrupted time for personal activities or getting a head start on work.

A 4-week transformation plan for adjusting wake-up times can help employees establish a more productive morning routine:

  • Week 1: Wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual
  • Week 2: Wake up 30 minutes earlier
  • Week 3: Wake up 45 minutes earlier
  • Week 4: Wake up 60 minutes earlier

To make the most of early rising, establish a morning routine. This could include exercise, meditation, reading, or planning your day.

For easier early rising, try these sleep tips:

  • Stick to a consistent sleep schedule
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine
  • Avoid screens before bed
  • Keep your bedroom cool and dark
  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening

The best part is that you don’t even need to constantly remind your employees to document what they’re doing to show before and after results, because GoJoe can sync to their wearables like their Apple Watches so they can automatically track their progress and lifestyle changes.

Inbox Zero Challenge

Inbox Zero is an email management approach aimed at keeping your inbox empty – or almost empty – at all times. It can significantly reduce email-related stress and improve productivity.

Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve Inbox Zero that would thrive in a gamified platform like GoJoe:

  • Set aside time to process emails in batches
  • For each email, decide whether to delete, delegate, respond, defer, or do it immediately
  • Use folders or labels to organize emails you need to keep
  • Unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters
  • Use filters to automatically sort incoming emails

This can help your employees reduce things like decision fatigue and overwhelm, helping them become more productive and less stressed!

Personal Development & Team-Building Challenges

Daily Learning Challenge

Continuous learning is a great way to stimulate and boost staff engagement — and yes, it can be fun! It keeps their skills relevant, but even more, it can be a fun way to boost problem-solving abilities outside of the work they’re used to doing.

Our Engage platform is a way to immerse your team in educational challenges 365 days of the year, so they’re constantly feeling inspired even outside of time-constrained challenges.

However, if you want to make a challenge out of it, you can create teams of learners throughout your organization and gamify their progress. For example, every time a team member watches an educational video, their team gets a point.

Remember that monthly goal setting is crucial for the success of a 30-day challenge, allowing employees to set specific, measurable objectives for their personal and professional growth.

Virtual Coffee Break Challenge

Informal social interactions are crucial for team bonding, especially for remote teams. Virtual coffee breaks can help recreate those casual office conversations that often lead to innovative ideas and stronger relationships.

You can structure your virtual coffee breaks like this:

  • Schedule 15-30 minute breaks twice a week
  • Keep groups small (3-5 people) for more intimate conversations
  • Rotate participants to encourage connections across the team
  • Use video calls to make interactions more personal

Make sure these coffee breaks are inclusive by considering different time zones and work schedules. This goal is to create a relaxed, non-work-related space for team members to connect. Plus, it can remind them to take a step back amidst the stress of the workday.

You can use GoJoe to create a system of challenge completion rewards, where team members can earn recognition or small incentives for successfully finishing their 30-day programs, fostering a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Implement these 30-day motivation tips to keep the momentum going, all with the help of GoJoe to create a clean structure and fun gamified experience for your team!

Implement Challenges 30 Days and Beyond with GoJoe!

Create custom challenges or choose from pre-designed options to create your team’s perfect 30-day challenge! With features like progress-tracking, leaderboards, and social sharing, you can boost your team member’s motivation and participation outside of their role so they can thrive inside it. Get started by requesting a demo!