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How Does GoJoe Help To Develop and Sustain Employee Engagement?

What Is The Definition Of Employee Engagement?

Finding ways to make sure your staff turn up to work feeling enthused and positive every day, so they can bring a Mr . Motivator-style energy to their everyday roles and responsibilities, hit all their performance targets, and most importantly keep senior management off your back.


No, not that one.

Employee Engagement Definition:

A helpful concept for understanding the nature of the relationship between employee and employer. The emotional investment that an employee has towards their individual job, work and wider company successes. Engaged employees are dedicated, enthusiastic and far more productive.

Yes, that’s what we meant.

We know, we know.

*Another* HR concept to work you up into a tizz. 💃🏽

It’s worth getting stuck into this one though.


Why Is Employee Engagement So Important?

Because it is one of the most critical ways for a company to achieve success and directly links in with profitability and financial results. Not to mention its importance in boosting job satisfaction and employee morale.

Engaged Employees: Emotionally invested in their company, positive and fulfilled by their job role. Fosters long-term loyalty and an employee far more motivated to strive towards the success of the organisation. Keeps team morale high and promotes a positive environment and culture.

Disengaged Employees: Leaving any shred of passion and commitment at home, disengaged employees aren’t interested in doing a jot more than necessary. Emotionally they’ve checked out, leaving you with a dissatisfied, unproductive employee.


We know which one we’ll take, thanks.

So, we all agree - we need to be making efforts to improve employee engagement levels, to keep employee levels of drive and happiness high.

Help! What Can HR Do To Improve Employee Engagement?

Fortunately, there are a number of things HR can do to help. Here are some of our favourites.

+ effective communication of individual expectations and also company performance/position

+ recognition and rewards; a clear system of rewards, benefits and promotions

+ valuing and understanding employees

+ asking for and learning from feedback

+ supporting employees' physical, social and mental health

+ providing professional development opportunities

There are many different apps, ideas and platforms available to help companies enhance and progress employee wellbeing, in turn engaging your employees and helping them feel and perform at their best.


And we might be biased, but we feel ours is up there alongside the better ones.  

We keep things simple, with a focus on massive engagement via our one-off exercise challenges or annual wellbeing programme.

And just look at some of these lovely recent comments from clients of ours 😊

GoJoe is a fantastic digital solution to proactively engage our people no matter where they are.  From their world series events to their health and wellness content, it always gets amazing engagement.”


“We get thrown a lot of wellbeing apps.  GoJoe is the one we actually use.”

PwC (employee)

“We love using GoJoe – it’s a great way to bring our global staff together and help keep them active.”


How Does GoJoe’s Workplace Wellbeing Platform Boost Employee Engagement?

Genuinely Inclusive

Our wellbeing app is built around all sorts of activities, from walking to swimming to skiing and lots in between. We ‘weight’ activities to level the playing field and ensure all employees can compete regardless of their age or fitness levels.

Social, Virtual, Fun and Personalised

We have tons of fun social features integrated into our app. Things like team chat, challenge chat, themed events to strengthen your company brand and smart notifications. The ability to create your own teams, follow workouts on demand, send gifs, and find out which animal you best represent. (Yes, really) Just loads of tools to help your staff actually want to use the app and supercharge their motivation to exercise time and again.

Respects Your Employee's Time

Hassle-free and easy to use, our annual platform holds all your wellbeing resources together in one place – giving employees both the tools they need and the information they need in one convenient package. So that they don’t just ignore it and leave it on a corner of the intranet.

Meaningful Expression Of Care

Investing in a decent and engaging employee wellbeing platform demonstrates to your employees that your company values them as the most important resource. It's putting people first; a top to bottom approach. Incorporating initiatives like a workplace step challenge within the platform can further encourage healthy habits and foster team camaraderie

Professional Growth Opportunities For Employees

Our whole approach is based on four pillars of wellbeing – Move, Fuel, Rest and Feel. We ensure all areas are available to employees, helping them feel good and functioning well. Our Feel pillar covers important topics such as professional growth, financial wellbeing and career development – providing growth opportunities for individuals to develop their roles, career and performance. This in turn, helps them envisage their future to be at the company.

Leaders & Management Buy-In

GoJoe provides a fun opportunity for leaders & management to humanise themselves and interact and connect with their teams. This helps to set the tone for positive company culture. Helping to create meaningful relationships, which are key for high engagement.

Connection & Support

Employees want to connect with their work, team & company. Current hybrid environments are confusing and weaken social connections to company culture & potential co-worker friendships. Our social fitness tools provide a separate avenue away from the traditional workplace environment for communication to flourish and to strengthen bonds.

Bigger Purpose

It’s all about the collective endeavour. Employees need to feel part of a bigger purpose as a team. Our platform gives them a way to share and unite, creating a sense of belonging. One in, all in.

Valuable Data & Feedback

Our feedback and stats help you assess and measure the impact of the platform. We’ve not yet met anyone who doesn’t love a few extra insights. 🤓

funny water cooler quote

We’re like the new, digital water cooler if you will.

*Bring back EE cards we say.

👈🏽 Bet you haven't seen one of these for a while?

Still brilliant though.

Get in touch if you’d like to chat about how we can help you boost all important employee engagement.